Calling loadMore on a dataset will only load up to 50 items

I have implemented a simple infinite scroll on a dataset. At the bottom of my page, I have an infiniteScrollMarker that when it comes into view shows some loading dots while the next page is fetched using the datasets loadMore method. Here’s my code:
export function infiniteScrollMarker_viewportEnter ( event ) {
$w ( “#loadingDots” ). show ()
$w ( “#postsDataset” ). loadMore ()
. then (() => {
$w ( “#loadingDots” ). hide ()

This has worked great for months, but today I noticed that it doesn’t paginate through the entire dataset anymore, it stops at 50 items. It still paginates according to the “number of items to display” I’ve set on the dataset, for example setting it to 6 paginates correctly 6 items at a time. But after the 50th item loads on the page when my viewportEnter event runs, loadMore is called, the loading dots show and hide, but no more items are displayed.

I’ve seen mentioned in the forum of queries being limited to the first 50 items, but I’m not manually querying the dataset, this is something that loadMore used to take care of. Has something changed? Does anyone know what could cause this?