Dataset - Counting of Displayed Items

Dear All,

I hope everyone is doing well.

I have:

A collection: Countries

A Dataset: datasetCountries

A button: buttonLoadmore

A textbox: textCounting

I tried to find but I did get it.

In my Dataset Setting I set up 3 items into ‘Maximum items displayed’

I would like to display the number of items displayed, and update this number after each Button ‘Load More’ pushing, with the format 3/8 >>> 6/8 >>> 8/8.

And then, when all the items are displayed, hide the button “Load More’.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


On page Load

After pushing Button ‘Load More’

After pushing Button ‘Load More’

Why programming such a silly function ?


  • Do you really believe that your users will like the mentioned function you describe?
    -Do you really believe the users have the time and the durability to click everytime onto a button to load new (further) items?

I will tell you → the most don’t want to make manual actions on your site, they want just to enjoy your site, where everything is working magically in an automatic way.

So what exactly does it mean for you as coder?

-Brainstorming and understanding of what i am trying to offer you.
-After understanding that there are much better ways to generate your wished functionality, youw ill need some generated code → which will do the described function.

What you will need to be successful ?
-you will need an onScroll() identifier, which will tell you when you arrived a certain part of your page, while scrolling down your page.
-once the setted-scroll-checkpoint is arrived → a → loadNewItems()-function will start to expand the showing data inside of your repeater (i hope you are using a repeater).

But before i provide you a code, maybe you want to try to resolve this issue by your own, loking onto all the already given examples and solution (solved years ago).

  1. A button for load more from Dataset on Repeater with Filter
  2. How to make Load More button with code, to load more of the filtered data in the repeater
  3. Load More button for repeater loads but does not perform the replacements data in code onReady
  4. Load More Button for results page
  5. Load more like page extender on same page
  6. How to limit load more button to display only 40 items of repeater on a one page
  7. Load More Button Help
  8. Controlling repeater load

I am alsmost sure that one of the provided links will help you out, even without having take a look on them.

So try to generate your AUTOMATIC-INFINITE-SCROLLING-FUNCTION, without having the ANNOYING click onto a button all the time.

And if still not able to find the right answer…

And if still not able to find the right answer…

If the right answer remains elusive, I’ll continue seeking assistance until we find a solution. Thanks for your ongoing support!

Dear rurrion-dima,

I appreciate your comments and assistance, and please keep doing this but I wanted to give you some feedback.

Know that everybody needs to learn at some point in their lives and the way you respond is not very motivating.

So, perhaps you can rephrase your responses because I read a couple of yours and what you type is meaningful. Only if you change the format or tone of your message it will be even better.

What I would advise this person is to, formulate a core question and started searching the internet of facts, first because I found a lot of my questions, doing that.

There is nothing offensive. This forum is given to learn.
The one who wants to become a good coder and be able to generate a good website, has also to invest time to understand what it means to programm.

Anybody told that it is easy to generate good stuff.

And even because i do not want see this forum just as a → WISH-BORAD FOR GETTING SOME CODES FOR FREE (although i am sure i am giving enough informationon in each of my post for everyone).

The one who is really interested, will follow my advise.
And the one who is lazy or expect just FREE STUFF → he can reach out to —> Wix-Market-Place and pay for his solutions!!!

So there is absolutely nothing i should change in my answers!

I think the more worse usecase would be → if the post-opener wouldn’t get any answer from me :grinning:

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By the way → i liked that → rurrorian

…Yes, I know and sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t communicate using drums and smoke signals but sorry russian-dima.

This was not to offend you because I do agree with you that some do this but not all and I do really think that you replies are very good, but it was more things like you typing that it was a silly function and the … at the end of your sentence.

I don’t mind, because I have some experience with coders and I like them because they name things for what they are, but it wouldn’t be that amazing if this person wanted to learn but did not know how to ask the right question to search for it and after responses like this now thinks: never mind!

I wouldn’t recommend copy- pasting code if you don’t understand it anyways, but I would like you did send them to a source.

This so, that they can learn themselves.

I understand.

Well, maybe i do not just give andvices, maybe i also try to form the coding character of each one who tries himself to learn coding.

My respect for those → who trains their coding skills on their own. I am one of those who is trained by my own (and some forums). So, even understanding what you are telling me → i still want to let the questioner go a more unconfortable way.

Why? → The more difficult → the more invested time → the more new gained informations and skills at the end.

It sounds maybe >controversial<, but it is the best way to learn.

So, the questioner should keep going, even if it is hard.

You will fall 30x/40x/50x → before you reach a good coding level.

You will surely agree with me.

And we do not forget → the queestioner still have the ability to ask further questions.
But this will be exactly the point → which will show us → how interested the requester is.

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I am also self-taught, and this took a while, but I started with the basics and learned to ask questions and a silly amount of them and searched the internet for these.

Once I got the hang of the basics and understood what it is to code, then I could search other programming langue’s for how to achieve something that I wanted to achieve because this gave me more results and although not all can be adapted to work with Wix/VELO, a lot I could in some way.

I also agree with you that programming is like learning to walk, and you do so by falling to then stand up again.

You should see the code of my test website, that I created using EditorX while I learned to code, now when I look at it, I would redo a lot of it because it is a mess.

Thank you for responding to me, and what you point out is valid and is sadly, the problem with many people, that they don’t ask follow-up questions, but in my experience it’s because they think that they should know it already or are worried that it is a silly question.

Perhaps you can appreciate this test page I made because I was chatting with an Ai, and it told me that it could not draw. So, I tried to find a way and let it create a table with cells and asked it if it could change the background colors of the cells.

This ended up in technical difficulties because it could, but they didn’t like me doing this so after a while it no longer could.

So, I created this page.

If you press the top bar, then you can #new #copy and #hexvalue like #78529a to add a color then press the bottom bar to cycle through the colors and click a cell to make it this color.

If you #copy and paste what it copies into a text file, you will see the format of the arrays.

If you ask a chat Ai to create a color array and a color index array you can then paste it after the # to hit enter to than draw it. Some do difficult but if you ask the right question most will provide you with 2 arrays.

Pixasso | Test page (

Exactly! → The first point the post-opener will change → now he will use more the seach function first, before asking.

Once I got the hang of the basics and understood what it is to code, then I could search other programming langue’s for how to achieve something that I wanted to achieve because this gave me more results and although not all can be adapted to work with Wix/VELO, a lot I could in some way.

Exactly! → The unconfortable way and learning by doing i was talking about.

And now we pay attention to this one… This is the POINT !!!

You should see the code of my test website, that I created using EditorX while I learned to code, now when I look at it, I would redo a lot of it because it is a mess.

You would do it different, you would do it better!

And now a flashback to my original answer…

Why programming such a silly function ?


  • Do you really believe that your users will like the mentioned function you describe?
    -Do you really believe the users have the time and the durability to click everytime onto a button to load new (further) items?

I will tell you → the most don’t want to make manual actions on your site, they want just to enjoy your site, where everything is working magically in an automatic way.

I was already protecting the post-opener to code >silly< functions → you would later regret, or at least want to recode again :crazy_face:

So, you are wrong and right at once :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

Some comment on this one…

Thank you for responding to me, and what you point out is valid and is sadly, the problem with many people, that they don’t ask follow-up questions, but in my experience it’s because they think that they should know it already or are worried that it is a silly question.

Yes, that right → but this is the → PROGRAMMING-CHARACTER ← i was talking about.
This depends persons character itself (durability, level of interest and so on).

It is not predictible how a person will react onto my post, there are millions of different possibile reactions.


Every questions shows your interest to get some knowledge (no matter which kind of knowledge).

I like your thoughts → they are the mirror of what i wanted to express! :hugs:

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About your ‘grid’ idea → open a new post → because offtopic.
What is/was the idea behind. What did you want to achieve exactly? Explain.

Ai based drawing grid?

Never mind that website, this was so a chat Ai could do pixel art.

I also, like your responses, because I read more of your posts, and I understand how you mean things, but I don’t know if many others will.


This I was told very early, and it is very true and mainly the reason why I gave you my feedback because starting to question and gathering knowledge should always be stimulated.

However, I do agree that they should not get lazy and need to put in the time and effort into this amazing skill called coding.

This because to me it was and still is very worth it.

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There will be surely more of confusing looking post of me in future :grinning:
But going more into detail, everything is self-explainable.

By the way, also exploring the new possibilities of Ai based programming and solution-options.

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//Ok, off topic

However, I have to ask did they also tell you that they will come back, but never do?

I tried a couple, pretty cool what they can do but if you are not a programmer then I wouldn’t recommend copying and pasting whole code, because bias is a thing and they do make mistakes, but certain Ai can explain the basics.

All that I tested, explained to me what a neutral network (Ai) is in great detail, and I even coded my own to understand it a bit better using bitwise conversations to convert an input bits array into the output bit array using neurons or nodes with 4 activation functions.

Sadly, the patterns where to not that usable because they were too specific for input and output because it worked with 0’s and 1’s.

That Picasso is HTML 5 I wrote in notepad, and I used a chat Ai to help me, like question how do, I do this in this programming langue?

Do note that they changed things, so I don’t know if it still works, but did you know that you can ask it question like this?

This was my text question for ChatGPT free:

DATABASE = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘Periodic Table – Royal Society of Chemistry’, ‘’]

‘#’ = Atom number
SYMBOL = Atom symbol
NAME = Atoms name
N: number of neutrons of the atom;

EC: an array of the most common electron configuration found while walking through the DATABASE array in this format (For each shell an atom has its electron count),(for O, oxygen it would be 2,6 this is also known as the KLMN format);
ON: oxidation numbers atom as an array;

MT: the most commonly known magnetic type of the atom found while walking through the DATABASE array;

Check: I would like you to check the URLs in the DATABASE for the N, EC, ON, MT values and if they are equal to each other return “Match” if not return “Mixed data”;

AtomData = #, SYMBOL, NAME, N, EC, ON, MT, Check;

Would you be so kind by providing me with the AtomData output of the atoms on the periodic table of H, He, Fe, Cu, Hg and to show me this in a table in the mark down format?

If you are such a coding intusiast → maybe starting a project? (just for fun xD), you surely know how to find me (@)

I tried a couple, pretty cool what they can do but if you are not a programmer then I wouldn’t recommend copying and pasting whole code, because bias is a thing and they do make mistakes, but certain Ai can explain the basics.

Yes → this is true. In some cases it is even not recommende to copy-paste everything into the INPUT of the AI → you never know where your INPUT will be OUTPUT for others.

Example: → accidently you INPUT one of your API-KEYS into AI ???
Wors-case → your bank-cridentials xD.

That Picasso is HTML 5 I wrote in notepad.
You mean Notepad++ !

DATABASE = [‘’, ‘Error Page, ‘’, ‘Periodic Table – Royal Society of Chemistry’, ‘’]

‘#’ = Atom number
SYMBOL = Atom symbol
NAME = Atoms name
N: number of neutrons of the atom;

EC: an array of the most common electron configuration found while walking through the DATABASE array in this format (For each shell an atom has its electron count),(for O, oxygen it would be 2,6 this is also known as the KLMN format);
ON: oxidation numbers atom as an array;

MT: the most commonly known magnetic type of the atom found while walking through the DATABASE array;

Check: I would like you to check the URLs in the DATABASE for the N, EC, ON, MT values and if they are equal to each other return “Match” if not return “Mixed data”;

AtomData = #, SYMBOL, NAME, N, EC, ON, MT, Check;

Would you be so kind by providing me with the AtomData output of the atoms on the periodic table of H, He, Fe, Cu, Hg and to show me this in a table in the mark down format?

Did you got a surprising result?

Well, no I mean right click your Windows desktop then a new text file like *.txt that notepad only when I started working on that neural network part, I switched to Visual studio because python and its format was a pain in the behind. (indentation)

Well, this was a question, that I needed to adapt a couple times, but yes when I tested it, it did give me a proper response but before I added the “on the periodic table” part it sometimes showed me values of isotopes too and therefore it made mistakes.

So, I had to double check a couple values but to be honest I felt like they made it dumper.

So, I stopped using it.

Uffff, yeah the old and well known NOTEPAD (today i think totaly useless, except saving quickly some scripts, html, xml, exe/bat, or py-files.)

Yes, notepad is not that amazing to code in, but it was more that I didn’t want install tools at that moment in time.

I do use notepad to copy URL from EditorX its media manager, to create arrays using a little split window in Window 11 (drag a window to the top for a menu or to a corner or side.)

About the project, perhaps one day because this sounds like fun, but currently I am working on my glorified content flipping page and am trying to get it right on all operating systems.

On a page in my content flipper there is a character, that is assembled from vector images like hat, face, body, hands, etc. that move a bit using wix.animation() loaded from a dataset and their URL are stored in an array this because a dataset fetch takes a while and now after loading my website works to some extent without internet.

My goal was to create an animated character frame this so others could add this to their website too could even add my character template and create a tutorial.

I got stuck in the creating an element because I couldn’t access certain libraries.

Problem is on iOS I haven’t figured the layout while moving part out and my code as is, is a giant mess but I need to get the layout right while the parts of the character move a bit using wix.animation() and this causes some technical difficulties on different operating systems.

Don’t even know if others would like this, is more business therapy until I have my next surgery.

Ow that reminds me.

After many days after sitting behind a computer, one day I drew 3-4 hours at a desk, placed my arm gentle on the table and got that annoying electric shock although that the pain eventually went away, my 2 fingers where left numb, and I started dropping things and such, and had a surgery.

Sadly, it came back with vengeance and now I will have another one, but don’t worry still alive to annoy another day, it’s my nondominant arm but the nerve they relocated moves, and it now zaps me out of nowhere but the next one should fix this, but amazing it is not.

Anyways, to get to my point:

If you work behind a desk set a timer for 45 min when it goes off, you stand up and move your arms a bit to prevent what I have because I really enjoy doing computer stuff but not doing that has cost me a lot more.

I’m sorry to hear this. I wish you a speedy recovery at this point.

My goal was to create an animated character frame this so others could add this to their website too could even add my character template and create a tutorial

.I think i saw a thread about this topic. You opened a post about this issue in the past?