Can Some One Explain What Is Happening Here?

Can you please share with us the code and clarify what is the use case?


Hi Tal, I haven’t paste any code yet, what I want to achieve is, in a gallery when I click one of the picture of the gallery it will directly to the information of the picture I clicked. I bumped into a tutorial Wix provided but it’s not clear how to put the code yet.

Could you please help me with this? <— this is the URL of my website

my database name: regdog
and my dynamic page name is - regdog profile (ID)

You can simply bind the gallery to the dataset so that it will the display the images, titles and descriptions.
Click here to learn more about Displaying Content in a Table or Gallery with Wix Code .

Have a good day,

Hi Tal,
I already do that, may gallery is connected to my dynamic page, but it don’t working correctly, how can I use that code I post above?