Can we disable triggered email of MEMBERS wix APP?

Is there a way to stop sending a triggered message from My Members Wix APP ? Or can we send our own Triggered message when we approved a site request? If so, how?

I was happy before but something happened…

This was the old Triggered email when we approved a site request, before I added a FILE SHARE Wix app :cry: I tried to delete the file share app or even deleted the My Members wix app, it restores to the old pages but the triggered email was not like this, as before.


And NOW this is the new Triggered email :frowning: I wish not to received this kind of message of my approved user.


because when a user click confirm your email they will redirect to the website and this will pop up (see image below). I don’t want that because they will have the option to click EDIT account info and I wish not to display that PAGE , I have my own ACCOUNT info page .

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It is possible to set up custom Triggered Emails to your site Members or Contacts using Corvid by following one of the tutorials below:

Corvid Tutorial: Sending a Triggered Email to Members
Corvid Tutorial: Sending a Triggered Email to Contacts

However, if you are referring to the Members Area of your site or any other app from the Wix App Market, you would be better suited going through Wix Customer Care about this issue.

Contacting Wix Customer Care for Support

To add as well, if you are using the Wix Corvid option of registering members by email and using wix-users-backend > approveByEmail() and the Register a user sending an email for confirmation, then you can not change this email as it is automatically sent by Wix for your new site memberes to verify their email address.

You can easily setup a Wix Automation or a triggered email like Anastasiia has mentioned above already to be sent out after the new site member has competed the verification by email etc.

Finally, automated emails like this one and ones that come from other apps like Wix Forms etc, can’t be turned off or edited unfortunately. Although Wix Events and Wix Stores you can customise them yourself through the settings for each app.

Hello, thank you so much. I will check on those tutorials.

Thank you for the enlightenment sir GOS. I think I will just have to stick with the BuiltIn Members app from wix for the mean time and I will also try using the triggered email to members as Miss Anastasiia mentioned.

Hello @givemeawhisky Im not sure if you can read this but I think I found a way funny but it works for me LOL :sweat_smile: What I did, I put My Profile Design Box above the default my account box then all i need to do is transfer the code from MyProfle page to display and update data, delete my profile page then let the MyAccount default box be hidden forever :grin:


That is okay, however you will need to make sure that the My Account page is not shown first and then your own profile page elements are loaded on top afterwards with a slight delay, which can be possible on some setups or with different internet speeds.

Plus, you are sort of defeating the object of having your own Members Profile page and using the seperate tutorial from it from Wix.

You are also going to lose the benefits of the My Account page and not let the user be able to edit their own name, address, telephone etc on this page which will change it in the Wix CRM for you and so it will also be changed in your Contacts List, whereas your seperate Members Profile page will only change your own dataset and you will need to still change the Contact List details.

Also, you won’t be able to give the user the opportunity to change their contact email to another email address which might not always be the same email address that they used to sign up and log into the site.

Along with not letting them see their own community page url which is each users own profile(about me) page that is within the Wix Members app itself, where each member can write about themselves and only other logged in site members would be able to view this profile page.

Funny me, i have 2 MEMBERS Collection, one is the Default and the one is my own made. Upon registering the data is saved both collections. It is like I am using the membersApp default feature but my members activities will happen to my own made members collection, where I can add additional fields and stores additional info like schools and downloads. And yes xD my custom elements was put on the very FRONT in order to hidden the default elements.

The above problem somehow become my solution to my other problem XD The activation link was making the user to load the HOME page when clicking the link, so i inputed a code on home page load that will make the status of my own made members collection to become ACTIVE from PENDING. As of now I am not planning for Forum Activities. This is just a simple online Inventory system that records teacher’s activities. Like number of downloads and registers per school and total it all and display it on my dashboard.

Thank you for pointing that out. I was always planning to make my own members app but as of now this works for me I only have few days left before this website will be launched. Thank you once again. :grinning:

You will have the two members collection:

  • The one from the Wix Members app’s own collection called Members/PrivateMembersData;

  • Your own Members collection from the Wix tutorial.

Now depending on how your site members are signed up, the data will either be adding gradually if you have it set to manual sign up or straight away if you have it to set be approved automatically.

Like the signup here that I have used on a site.

import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
import wixLocation from 'wix-location';

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w("#registerButton").onClick( (event) => {
   let email = $w("#email").value;
   let password = $w("#password").value;
   let first = $w("#firstName").value;
   let last = $w("#lastName").value;

   wixUsers.register(email, password, {
       contactInfo: {
        "firstName": $w('#firstName').value,
        "lastName": $w('#lastName').value,
      } )
      .then( (result) => {
        let resultStatus = result.status;
  wixWindow.lightbox.close();"/sign-in-status");  //Change the URL ending to whatever page you want to send the user to after they log in.
      } );     
    } );

This works perfectly and closes after registering details before moving user onto the sign in status page, then both names will be saved in the Contacts List on the Dashboard and once site member is manually approved by the website clients, then the member details will be added to ‘members’ database from the Wix tutorial.

However, if the signup was setup to be automatically approved instead of manually approved, then all the data will be added to the Contacts List and the ‘members’ database at the exact same time.

is it possible at all to not send the verification email out to the members?
I would like to sign them up manually by myself and not have to ask them to verify.

You should reach out to Wix Customer Care concerning the issue of verification emails. You’ll get better help for your question there.