Custom email to replace Wix welcoming email

Hi everyone,

I use an automation to welcome my new users with a custom email when they sign in my website.
But Wix also send an email to those people to notify them the same thing, but with much less personnalisation.

Do you see a way to disable this email from Wix ?
Thanks in advance for your help !


Wix Support is where you’ll want to ask this question.

On a side note, I don’t think its possible to disable the automatic email from Wix but please get in touch with Support, they might be able to help.

Yes Shan is right.

I had Wix old subscibe and contact us form setup originally on my website. However, I wanted our replies to be custom with our own branding etc, so I instead have made all my user inputs as wix code forms and send triggered emails or automated emails when somebody uses them.

I have contacted Wix Support myself and asked them if this automatic reply from Wix can be turned off, however it can not be, so if you are using Wix Forms then you are getting an automatic reply from Wix sent out along with your own form if you make one up too.

Pretty stupid that you can’t turn those automatic replies off or at the very least customise them a little bit!

This was their reply from Jan 15th:

Thank you for contacting Wix Customer Solutions!

I see what you’re referring to. Another email cannot be switched off indeed.

The email is automatically sent and is designed to notify your members that their membership was approved.

We are always working to update and improve our products, and have forwarded your feedback to the relevant department.

Thank you for using Wix.
Have a nice day!
Angela - Wix Customer Solutions

I’m up against the same problem. Very frustrating! All this time, and still no fix.

Feature request, put it in there.

Here we are a year later - and still no fix! Come on Wix, this isn’t good enough!