Hi Wix ,
I have a form with 3 textboxs: user name, email and phonenumber.
When user login, i get these info and fill it into textboxs on page load:
function getUserInfo(user) {
//get current user email
.then( (email) => {
$w('#customerEmail').value = email;
} );
//get current user name
.eq("_id", user.id)
.then( (results) => {
$w('#customerName').value = results.items[0].firstName + ' ' + results.items[0].lastName;
$w('#customerPhone').value = results.items[0].mainPhone;
} );
If i don’t touch these textboxs and click submit button, these info were not saved into my table. Just when i type it again on textboxs and click submit, they will be saved. I don’t understand what happened, please help me. I don’t want my customer have to retype them when logged in.