Can't reduce header size below 95px?

So I’m trying to reduce the header’s height below 95 pixels but it just won’t go lower it snaps back to 95, on all breakpoints. Anyone know what I have to do to fix this?

Make sure you adjust the grid as well as the container of the header at all breakpoints. Have a URL to Screen Shot to reference?

I’ve checked and all the containers etc are 60px height but the only thing left is the header and it just won’t move. Not sure if I’m missing something

Looks like your min-height is also at 95. Change it to “none”

Hitting the sack. I will check in in the morning. Good luck!

I also tried that but didn’t work unfortunately.

Have you tried deleting it and recreating it? Don’t worry the menu functions are retained when restoring the menu item.

I just tried doing this and there came like 50 more problems, the header won’t move to the top of the page, other header isn’t getting removed even after deleting section and everything, it has a pinned symbol and there’s no place to remove it.
Also I finally ended up removing it and putting a new header but now this new one can’t get a “fixed” scroll animation. I tap it and it reverts back to none or sticky… I’m very frustrated at Editor X right now

Without seeing inside, it’s difficult to asses why you are experiencing this. If you want to have me in there for a moment to check under the hood, you may invite me at I can take 5 and look.

I just sent it, if you want to see the original header from where I started this post, you can go in site history and revert it back to August 19, 12:40 AM ( around that time)

@r4ngingking I see your work.

What height do you want your header:
Desktop =

Do you want your header to remain frozen to the top of the page at all points?

@teejay We can talk in the comments section of the website if you’d like.
I wanted like
75 on desktop
65 on tablet
60 mobile

I wanted header to disappear, using both scroll animations when you do fixed header. It disappears and turns white background if you scroll up a little. Problem is that its not even letting me switch to “fixed”

I got it working, had to start a new Editor X site, then saved all assets as Design Asset and transferred everything over to the new one. The header on new one works perfectly.
It all bugged out because of that new feature they added where you can transfer a normal wix site to Editor X.

Thank you so much for all your help, I really appreciate it.

Sweet deal and my pleasure. Good luck!