Change to Header height don't result in actual change to its height

In the middle of last nights session working on my page. I suddenly could not change the header height on a breakpoints. That is, I can change the px in the height field but the headers height don’t actually change. Not in the editor, not in preview and not in the published page. Only place it can be changed is on the primary break- point but changes there don’t change the height on the rest of the break-points (they still stay at 550px) - (I have set the header to be sticky) but would like to not have 500px on smaller screens/devices…

I’ve restarted both the editor and my browser but no help. Went to bed and gave up in hope it would be fixed to day. But problem persists. The header height is fixed at the height I had it configured to (550px) on all breakpoints.


Right clicking that header in the layers panel and choosing “Detach from masters” Worked for me. Now I’m able to change height on the different break points (Im working with more then one header - prob a bad idea but …)

Anyway it works as i want it after that…