Changing color of container in a repeater

I am trying to find a way to change the background color of a container that is inside a repeater when an event happens such as mouseIn and etc.
I see some posts about doing something like below setting style.backgroundColor:

$w("#box1").style.backgroundColor = color;

But the container doesn’t seem to have “style” attribute as you can see below:

And I see that when I run:

I can use the UI and change the color, but I can’t seem to do this programmatically for some reasons. Below you see my repeater and container:

I see there’s background attribute for the container, but looks like I can only change src (i.e. image is my guess).

I want to change the container’s color when mouse enters. How can I do this programmatically???

Can’t find any → STYLE ← attribute on → CONTAINER <—

But as you already mentioned →

I see there's background attribute for the container, but looks like I can only change src (i.e. image is my guess). 

Yes you can use it if you are tricky.
And if you are very tricky —> you put another element, which supports the STYLE-ATTRIBUTE, you put it into your CONTAINER setting it as TRANSPARENT (OPACITY = 0%).
And control it by CODE.