How can I change repeater item background color based on click


I would like to change the container background on click inside a repeater. After looking at the documentation here is my code

$userCards.onClick((event) => {
const data = $;
let clickedItemData = data.filter(item => item._id === event.context.itemId)[0];
let $item = $;

// If the data is not selected change the bg to red otherwise green
if (clickedItemData.selected !== true ) {
clickedItemData.selected = true ;
$item(‘#userCard’).style.backgroundColor = ‘red’;
} else {
clickedItemData.selected = false ;
$item(‘#userCard’).style.backgroundColor = ‘green’;

The error is that “style” is undefined on $item(“#userCard”) which is a valid Element.

So there is no StyleMixin on repeater Item.

How can I achieve the desired effect?


Quentin, it appears that a repeater and the container that accompanies it cannot be styled . The box element can be though.

Yes I see. Could you be a little more descriptive about your solution with the box element?:thinking:


I ended up doing a little testing of a box element in a repeater and found it to be clumsier than I expected, for the lack of a better term. Apparently, the only thing that they have to offer in a repeater is the potential to be styled. Maybe, someone else has made them functional for this purpose?

Thx for your answers. I found out a hack where you use an image as the background which can be set for container instead of a bg color.

I’ll try but I’m open to better solution

So my final solution is to use a 1x1 pixel image with the color I want and use it as a background color

Wonderful, usually there is a tool in the toolbox …

Hello Quentin!
I trying today do the same.
Changing BGIMAGE
when MousIn - some colored image
when MoueOut - transparent

$w(“#myconteiner”).background.src = “”;

It works but -but - but - change All BGImages in all Items of current Reprater.

I desperately trying found how specify Repeater containers Items in Current Repeater - and cannot
I believe that they are have some instance names, may be Array With Numbers like 0.1.2…

If You know - I will be very appreciate
May be somesing

let myclickedcontainer = $w.container(#mycontainer).clikedone - something like this… I try to guess - but currently unhappy, unsuccessful

Sincerely, Misha

@mazel Hi mazel,

What you need to do is to select the container with the item selector not the global selector

here is the local selecto $item vs global selecto $w

$userCards.onClick((event) => {
    let $item = $;
     $item('#userCard').style.backgroundColor = 'red'; 

Read this for more details

@plomteuxquentin Dear Quentin - I spoke about Item in Repiter where No Style and Background color As You disscus here before - - only baclground Images… But when I change it - It changed in all Repeatr Items… I trying to find
for each container after page opened - current moment. I hope they have some ID
And change BGImage by this ID

@plomteuxquentin I did It - Yes I use
Item (container) - background.src =

My Mistake was that I donot use Item after read Event -Thanks A Lot

Everthing working now and Selrctors working.

Sincerely Misha

@mazel , @plomteuxquentin

this is my solution, works for me. I Ioaded a image of just color hope you can get close for what you want

export function container2_mouseIn(event) {
      let $item = $;
      $item("#container2").background.src = 'wix:image://v1/d98bc1_62f72eface604cdc8aad855cd618276a~mv2_d_1920_1280_s_2.jpg/wedding-1754493_1920.jpg#originWidth=1920&originHeight=1280'


export function container2_mouseOut(event) {
let $item = $;
$item("#container2").background.src = ''


you can see the solucion on in the firs form

Or you can just use the example here from Oct last year…

With the demo page here.

Otherwise, there is this previous forum post about it too.

As this post is from early on last year, it is being closed.

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