I did it - select container and colored it by ganged bgimage on MouseIn
I used “style.backgroundcolor” in “MouseIn” and “MouseOut” to change some BOX background color when I moved my mouse on-off some Item.
I do this successfully
I tried to do the same to change color of container in repeater - but I see that it is - impossible.
Is It possible in some another way, or because of repeater contraction this is impossible at all?
I understand that now STYLE in Repeater
Try to change Backgraund Image
MAUSEIN - somrcolor
MAUSEOUT - Transparent
It’s work, but but but - with all group.
Do I have chase specify only Cliked Item for change?
I do like this:
$w(" #myconteiner ").background.src = " ";
It works but -but - but - change All BGImages in all Items of current Repeater.
I desperately trying found how specify one clicked containers Items in Current Repeater -
and cannot
I believe that they are have some instance names, may be Array With Numbers like 0.1.2…
I will be very appreciate any advices
May be something
– - let myclickedcontainer = $w.container( #mycontainer ).clikedone - –
something like this… I try to guess - but currently unhappy, unsuccessful
To be more clear - repeater very simple: Just One Item inside repeater -
small square photo inside empty colored square container
(Size of container - Just little bigger than photo)…
When repeater working I just see field of photos with “container color frame” behind.
When I move mouse on any of them - as I tell - some box on a top of photos
(with name of group of this people on a photos) change color
When I move moue off - I return previous color.
I try to change color of background in each container Item - photo,
to see which photo under Mouse.
Thank You in advance.
Misha Mazel