I have two connections in dataset, one has a column which is a reference from other table.
For ex; table1 (id, name, type)
table2 (type Name)
Type is reference in table1, now I want to display records of table1 which has a particular type.
Wix is not allowing options to set {type} when creating dynamic category page. (Reference columns are not getting listed here).
Is this possible? (using any other way if this is not possible).
Hi. You are correct that reference fields cannot be used in URLs for dynamic pages. You can get the same result using the filter by dataset feature.
In a nutshell, make the “type” field in table2 a regular field and fill it in, making sure to use the same values as in the “type” field from table1. Then build your dynamic page URL using the “type” field from table2. To display all the items from table1 that have the same type, add a dataset connected to table1 and then define a filter so it retrieves those items whose type is the same as the current type on your dynamic page.