Let’s say I have 2 datasets.
Dataset A is a list of colours (eg. Red, Blue, Green)
Dataset B is a list of items (eg. Shirt, hat, ball)
I want to create an individual page for each permutation of the items in sets A and B
eg(red shirt, red hat, red ball, blue shire, blue hat, blue ball, green shirt, green hat, green ball).
Is this possible?
Hi Sam ,
Unfortunately, No you can’t do that. But, as an alternative way, you can use Reference field which allows you to connect one database collection to another database collection .
Check this to see how it works : CMS: About Displaying Content from Multiple Database Collections Using Reference Fields | Help Center | Wix.com
Hope this helps!
Hi - thanks for the response
I tried using reference fields already but these can’t be used to create dynamic urls is what I found?
Yes, correct!
Reference fields allows you to display information from more than one collection, and the Url will contain only the key of the first dataset - when you choose the key for the dynamic page url, you can’t choose a reference field to be a key -