Hi Everyone.
So my company does allot of bookings for classes. About 70% of the time the user books themselves by creating an account and going through the registration process… this all works great. However, the other 30% call us over the phone to book and we need to create a “Contact” in our system and then we take that contact and add them into the class they wish. This also works great…
Now let’s say that 3 months down the road that student who booked over the phone comes to my site and creates an member account using Wix’s built-in process and uses the same email address as the “Contact” we created for them 3 months ago, Wix’s system will then create the new Member id in the “Members/PrivateMembersData” collection based off the Contact Id… Thus both id’s for the contact and member id match.
However if I call the wixUsers.register(email, password…) backend function using the same email address as the original Contact was created as, the new member created in the “Members/PrivateMembersData” collection creates a completely different member id from the contact id… and this is where my problem is; I am unable to tie their historical records together.
Is there a way to mimic Wix’s built in member registration process that if the email address already exists in the Contact’s List then the new member id will be the contact id?
Thank you.