Prevent contact duplicates in custom registration WITHOUT COSTUME DATABASE?


I’m trying to understand something - some facts first:

  1. If a new member sign into my site, he’s created on my members list, and on my contacts list.

  2. When booking an appointment to a new client, a new contact is created automatically.

  3. I booked an appointment with John (for example only) witch is not a member on my site, and a new contact has been created automaticaly with name, phone AND EMAIL .

  4. Now the important issue: If John wants to sign in as a member WITH THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS , a new contact is created in my contact list, and synced to the new member on my members list. It means that i have on my members list one member named john, and on my contacts lists i have 2 contacts named john, with the same email address , while one of them is synced to my member John.

How can i avoid duplicated contacts?

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Try looking at this post from a few months ago:

Thanks for your reply!
i’ve seen it, but i don’t want to start a new database for members.

Do you have another suggestion? :slight_smile:

This example doesn’t create a new database for members.

Actually thos eposts did imply another database, but it is now possible to query the members database. I posted some code at the location you linked to for how to do that

@experimentnoxx your code is great, i will try it!
But it doesn’t solve the issue in this post:
I have contacts on my contact list (wixCRM). If i want to “transform” those to be site members (wixUsers), i have no way.

I gave up trying, it’s been a huge headache :slight_smile:

What you have to remember is that Wix CRM and Wix Users are two different things.

Wix CRM is for any contact who contacts you through a contact form on your website for example and will appear in your Contacts List through your Wix Dashboard.

Wix Users however, is only for the members who have already signed themselves up and became site members of your website.

If you are wanting your contacts to become site members so that you can go from using Wix CRM to Wix Users, then you will need them to sign up to your site regardless.

What’s the difference between wix-crm and wix-users?
The CRM API contains functionality for working with your site’s contacts. The Users API contains functionality for working with users who are logged-in members. Note that all members are also contacts, but contacts are not necessarily members.

@givemeawhisky yes, i know all this. Thanks for the detailed response :slight_smile:

My question was: how to avoid creating a second wixCRM item for the same person, when he was already there (after contacting/book an appointment), and then register to the site as a member.

In this situation the result is one member and two contacts (while one of them is linked to the member) instead of one member and one contact.

I’m suffering from the same issue 4 years later. Did you ever figure out how to avoid this?

My scenario: If a member (wixMember) wants to invite someone to use the site, the backend adds that person as a contact to wixCRM. Then they show up under “Contacts” under Wix dashboard.

If that invited person then goes to the website to register, I get a new Member (site member) added and yet another WixCRM entry using the same exact email address as before.

I’ve spent way too much time on this. I haven’t been able to figure this out.

If your writing velo code to register a member, then you can use a form, but don’t use the submit form button, use a custom button, its the form that submits a contact for Wix Crm and the resgister function that submits a contact/member…

I do that. But then it creates a new CRM Contact and a new member. The new member is OK because that’s what I want, but the new CRM contact is a duplicate, since they already exist in my CRM.