Option to turn off Wix default email notifications

Whenever a visitor purchases a product (wix stores) or confirms a booking (wix bookings) or makes a payment (wix-pay) - the system generates a confirmation email to the payee. In most cases this default email cannot be customised or styled to suit the corporate image of the website.
Wix does provide a way to generate bespoke emails via SendGrid which are great!

I therefore request that Wix implement an option to “turn off” the default email, so that when we create our own custom responses, the end user does not receive the default response.

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These are feature requests.
Vote for them here S tripe Notifications , Wix Bookings .

Heath H-M , many thanks. I would add that Stripe is only one Payment Processor (there are several that are supported by Wix). In my case, I use Square for processing, for example - but the issue is identical.
I am not 100% certain that the default email is being sent by Square? My impression is the email is generated by Wix (the “sender” is displayed as no-reply@my.store-emails.com

Also, at new member signup there’s a default email sent. This is especially problematic for a multi lingual website. I haven’t found any place to disable that.
@deleteduser , do you know whether there’s such an option or if not a feature request?

I’m assuming you have your member sign-up set to manual approval

@deleteduser Good point! No, it was set to auto approve. I hadn’t noticed that option as I do not use the default member sign-up form - but it might make a difference! Thanks for pointing that out.

@deleteduser indeed I do. Although I’m approving automatically via email confirmation using a Wix Corvid custom process, so my users already know they’re approved without this email. It’s practically a bug…
In any case, thanks!