I would really like to know when/if there are any plans to alter some of the functionality with regards to the wixUsers module; specifically being able to reset passwords via the API. I just can’t believe that this isn’t part of the base functionality already.
To highlight the issue, it appears to be impossible to reset a user password without using
promptForgotPassword(). Unfortunately clicking on this then takes the user out of your site environment and relies on boilerplate wix login screens, and emails, which then breaks the product.
I really love the platform but not being able to reset the password without having to go outside of the product means that commercially it is a no-no for me on further products.
Have you also put in a feature request for this through the Wix Corvid Forum too?
It has probably already been added, however there is no harm adding it again.
@givemeawhisky isn’t that what this is? After seeing your comment I searched and didn’t find anything else, so I posted one. But now I see this is at the same location… and doesn’t seem to be getting any attention from Wix whatsoever…
The feature request section is where people put requests thay they wish to be incorporated into future releases, of which Wix do look at and will prioritise the most wanted for example.
People can read those requests and comment themselves, however as they are just requests people don’t mainly reply to them, instead just search to see if a previous request has already been put in for example.
It is the same with the other section about tips and updates, people will just look through these like the forum examples page and use what they need etc.
However this section of the Corvid forum is for all code related issues on the Wix website and this is the main section of this forum and so will get mostly all of the traffic.
This is the part of the forum that is most widely used, hence the greater amount of views, posts, comments etc.
I am sure that Wix will let us add a custom forgot password with our own branding etc one day exactly like we’ve already done with custom signup and login lightboxes, however until they inform us otherwise, that is not currently in the pipeline for one of the upcoming updates or releases anytime soon.
This is unacceptable and discourages businesses from using Wix.
Any updates on this. I think lot of people have put in their votes?