Is it possible for a registered user on the site to change their own password, or is there even a way that an admin can change it for them?
Thanks in advance
I need this as well
Me too. I am trying to figure out how to implement such a feature, but I don’t see anything available on the API.
This function does not provide the functionality I am looking for. This promptForgotPassoword() only works for users that don’t remember their password. In my case, I want to add the functionality to change the password.
My use case:
- User logs in with old password.
- User goes to dashboard and clicks “change password”.
- User selects new password.
The promptForgotPassoword() doesn’t work because:
- It is not straightforward in a sense that the user needs to go to his email in order to change the password.
- This method doesn’t work when the user is already logged in . Hence, if I wanted to use it, I would have to first log out the user and then trigger this method. That’s ugly and makes no sense as at the end the user would be automatically logged off from his session.
I hear you.
It is so basic a necessity, that you would think this functionality would have been added by now.
Unfortunately, last I checked, Wix/Corvid still does not allow for changing login credentials - email(s) nor password.
There have been many questions and complaints about this lack of functionality, and if you google it, you may find the official feature requests.
Enable site member to change password
Custom Forgot Password functionality
… etc. …
Code to update member email?
Bump … need this functionality as well
Wix claims by purchasing premium you can " Remove all Wix ads & give your visitors a site experience that’s entirely your own brand." But that’s not true, members receive Wix branded password reset emails. This is a very bad image for our brand and a poor experience for our customers. Are you planning on fixing this anytime soon?
As a workaround you could build your own members database. There you could save the “original” password and the newest password. If a user signs up, both passwords are equal.
If a user wants to change their current password, the button overwrites the “new password” column in your members database. For login purpose, you check the mail and password manually with the “new_password” column, before writing the login(mail, old_password) statement.
It’s not elegant and requires alot of coding, but it works.
That’s the issue though. Any of us can do this, but basic functions that should seem intuitive for what is such a well developed product are plainly missing.
I enjoy the challenge of figuring things out, however this case is a bit past what it should be, and an expected functionality is missing.
I need this as well and I do not see any feature request for this.
Here’s a place to vote on it: Site Members Request: Customizing the Reset Password Email Your Members Receive | Help Center |
I believe that this thread was opened regarding the lack of an ability to change a password, reset a password is a different activity. This feature request is only about reseting a password.
@guy-tadmor Resetting a password is basically the same as changing a password.
Wix is constantly working on improving the developer experience. Feel free to make your voice heard. The Wishlist Page is the official platform for requesting new features. You can vote, comment, and track the status of the requested features.
it is very similar but changing a password is much simpler as this is a single activity which usually does not require verification (like email verification or SMS verification). In addition, in some cases resetting a password, the user get a temporary password and then need to type a new password.
I spoke with the Product team and I understand the plan is to support this option in the future. No ETA given.
I also need this feature. For user to be able to change their own password after login. Such a basic functionality that should have come with the product without extra coding required.
I am coming to regret getting on board to this web builder. Subscribed for 2 years for the business unlimited pack, still finding common features missing that one would expect to be there in this day and age.
Adding my voice again on this - it’s been over two years since it was brought up (again at that time). This seems so basic, hard to believe it isn’t here yet. Hopefully when implemented, it will allow an API driven approach as well for those of us that have mobile apps associated with a website where we need to support password reset completely through the app, not through the website.
Hey every body!
While it’s not the cleanest, there is a work around that can be performed entirely in the WIX infrastructure.
When your users first sign up, control the process. Salt and store the password & key in a database, as well as passing it to WIX. Every time a user logs in, ping that database as if it’s a third party, and return a session token if the password is right. The biggest advantage is that you have full control over the rest process flow. The second advantage is you can still use WIX’s access protocol for page loads, without ever having to make a user change their password directly with WIX.
This process works seamlessly in browsers. I am not sure how it will work in an app.
Just so that everyone knows, as of the moment, you CANNOT change passwords while the user is logged in by passing the old password and the new one, you can only prompt users to reset their passwords, they’ll get an email with a link to reset their passwords.