- The form I am trying to use is this one (none dynamic):
I have a Custom Form on my site which is designed to collect data and also a couple of attached files. The form works and when someone completes the form I can see the attachments in Content Manager
$w.onReady(function () {
So that means you have a CUSTOM-FORM connected by an NON-DYNAMIC-DATASET (because your form is on a non-dynamic page).
Your Dataset-ID ---> $w("#dataset1")
Your problem/issue:
I am trying to also include the Files uploaded via the form.
Your Backend-Code for eMail:
import {sendWithService} from 'backend/sendGrid';
export function sendEmail(subject, body) {
const key = "#############";
const sender = "sender email ";
const recipient = "my email";
return sendWithService(key, sender, recipient, subject, body);
export function sendEmailWithRecipient(subject, body, recipient) {
const key = "xxxxxxjDfE5ixxxxxxxxxxx";
const sender = "sender email";
return sendWithService(key, sender, recipient, subject, body);
Your Backend-Code for SendGrid…
import {fetch} from 'wix-fetch';
export function sendWithService(key, sender, recipient, subject, body) {
const url = "https://api.sendgrid.com/api/mail.send.json";
const headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + key,
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
const data = `from=${sender}&to=${recipient}&subject=${subject}&text=${body}`;
const request = {
"method": "post",
"headers": headers,
"body": data
return fetch(url, request)
.then(response => response.json());
Your Page-Code…
import {sendEmail, sendEmailWithRecipient} from 'backend/email';
$w.onReady(function () {
function sendFormData() {
const subject = `New Vet Referral Form from ${$w("#input1").value}`;
const body = `New Vet Referral from ${$w("#input1").value}
\rOwners Name: ${$w("#input1").value}
\rOwners Email: ${$w("#input2").value}
\rOwners Contact Number: ${$w("#input3").value}
\rOwners Address and Post Code: ${$w("#addressInput3").streetAddress}
\rAnimals Name: ${$w("#input4").value}
\rAnimal Species: ${$w("#dropdown1").value}
\rAnimal Breed: ${$w("#input5").value}
\rReferring Vet: ${$w("#input6").value}
\rReferring Vet Practice: ${$w("#input7").value}
\rPractice Address and Postcode: ${$w("#addressInput2").value}
\rVet Email: ${$w("#input8").value}
\rVet Phone: ${$w("#input9").value}
\rBrief Description of the Problem: ${$w("#input10").value}
\rPreference for making this appointment: ${$w("#dropdown3").value}`;
const recipient = $w("#input8").value;
sendEmailWithRecipient(subject, body, recipient)
.then((response)=> {console.log(response);});
sendEmail(subject, body)
.then((response)=> {console.log(response)});
You click onto your SUBMIT-BUTTON, which is surely also connected to your dataset inside the property-panel.
The saving-process starts…and calls the → sendFormData ← function.
$w.onReady(function () {
Before the next call of a backend-function you generate your subject + body data…
function sendFormData() {
const subject = `New Vet Referral Form from ${$w("#input1").value}`;
const body = `New Vet Referral from ${$w("#input1").value}
\rOwners Name: ${$w("#input1").value}
\rOwners Email: ${$w("#input2").value}
\rOwners Contact Number: ${$w("#input3").value}
\rOwners Address and Post Code: ${$w("#addressInput3").streetAddress}
\rAnimals Name: ${$w("#input4").value}
\rAnimal Species: ${$w("#dropdown1").value}
\rAnimal Breed: ${$w("#input5").value}
\rReferring Vet: ${$w("#input6").value}
\rReferring Vet Practice: ${$w("#input7").value}
\rPractice Address and Postcode: ${$w("#addressInput2").value}
\rVet Email: ${$w("#input8").value}
\rVet Phone: ${$w("#input9").value}
\rBrief Description of the Problem: ${$w("#input10").value}
\rPreference for making this appointment: ${$w("#dropdown3").value}`;
const recipient = $w("#input8").value;
sendEmailWithRecipient(subject, body, recipient)
.then((response)=> {console.log(response);});
sendEmail(subject, body)
.then((response)=> {console.log(response)});
- Till here your code works?
- The issue is that you can not include the following information into your BODY-Object???
\rFile Upload: ${$w("#fileUpload1").attachmentUrls.join(", ")}
\rImage Upload: ${$w("#imageUpload1").attachmentUrls.join(", ")}`;
- This is your UPLOAD-SECTION, you want to upload?
- You know, that you have first to upload the file or image, before you can get any real data you can use for your further process?
Your way to success…
Click the SUBMIT-BUTTON after all fields are filled out.
First thing what should happen is the UPLOAD-PROCESS.
You should await for the end of the UPLOAD-PROCESS, before you can process all your next steps, because you will need the resulting data to include in your mail, right?
Why you do not work with CONSOLE-LOGS ???
I can’t see any LOGs on your site.
Try to work more with console-logs, this will helpt you to understand your own code better. This way you will see more whats happening in all your site’s functions.
So back to your problem:
You are using an onAfter-Save()-HOOK, but why you do not use also an onBeforeSave()-HOOK ???
$w.onReady(function () {
let awaitingData = await myUploadFunction();
function myUploadFunction(){
console.log("This function will give back results from UPLOAD-PROCESS, first, before the next function starts!");
here your upload-button function --> with returning resul!!!!!
return data
I hope i understood your issue the right way. And i hope i gave you the right direction.
Edit: uploadFiles - Velo API Reference - Wix.com