Custom Member signup fields

Hello everyone,
I have been researching wix code and databases for the past couple days, and I have a grasp on a bit of it now. However, there is so much info out there finding exactly what I am looking for has been difficult, and I need a bit of help getting my idea to work.

I would like to have a custom signup page with fields I create (one of which is image upload). This page will transfer the info into that members profile which they can read/write. The info will also be displayed on a page with all the other member’s info, All the other members will be able to view this page with search function, but not edit of course.
All members must be approved by admin which I know how to do with the standard signup page, but I’m putting that part out there incase the custom fields changes things on the backend.

This video was the biggest help so far, but it doesn’t cover the custom signup fields aspect or linking the profile information into a searchable directory on a separate page.

I found this video on how to create the search option, so I have that covered.

If anyone could help me with the missing pieces it would be greatly appreciated.

Disregard, I have found the answers I was looking for with some more digging.
If anyone else was looking for the same information I’ll drop the other links that helped me below.

Hey man, did you figure out how to then display these custom fields on each members profile card, or is that not possible.

I’m trying to enable members to use to pay each other from within the members site. To do this, I’m planning to collect each members URL during the member sign-up process. Once it’s collected, I would like to display that information to other members within the members area, so users can easily pay one another.
