Database/Dataset problem


I have a database collection for our online magazine, I’ve set up a dynamic page with a pro gallery to display all stories and an dynamic item page for the individual posts.

Everything’s been working absolutely fine for the past months until recently.

The problem is that now all posts except one (the most recent) do not open to their assigned dynamite title page (post page), while in editor mode the system tells me there’s no link to that post, and on the live site it doesn’t click when hovering over posts to open the posts. If I try to insert a post’s link directly into my google search bar I get a 404 Error page.

Nothing has changed within the set up and I’ve tried everything or days to resolve this but could not.

I also noticed that on my TITLE dynamic page, in Editor mode, I no longer see the ‘Preview’ dynamic bar where you’d scroll to preview different posts from the database, it’s just not there, meaning that it only recognizes that one recent post and no other post, as if the collection were empty with only 1 post. The strange thing is that on the actual dynamic page where I have the pro gallery everything is read and displaying from the database, image, titles etc, they’re just unclickable, though.

I’ve synched the sandbox, copied all items to live, double checked the live database, seems normal as always, but resolved nothing.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Can you please send us the site URL and clarify to which page you were referring so that we can have a look?


Thank you

  • I made a new ‘test’ post (unpublished) on the editorial database last night and saw that the PREVIEW bar suddenly appeared on the dynamic Title page that including two stories, the ‘test’ post and the most recent post I mentioned that is the only one that’s currently working, that means something happened with those older posts (36 posts) that aren’t being recognized within the system at the moment.

Can you also send us also screenshots of the records that you’ve added and clarify which records do not display (giving 500 error messages)? I’m not sure that I fully understand so screenshots can be useful :slight_smile:


Sure, this is the magazine page with the pro gallery, a total of 37 posts/stories - the 1st one (top left) is the only one that clicks/opens to story, the other 36 posts do not - they’re all unclickable, you can hover over them and click but it’ll do nothing.

For example, the second post (top right) has the following URL: if you go to this link externally you get a 404 ERROR “There’s nothing here” page, This is the problem we’re having, All posts except for the 1st one (top left) are like this, they don’t go to assigned link and are remain unrecognized on dynamic Title page /Editor mode

thanks again