Hi, since a few days my visitors and i experiment a problem in displaying gallery linked to a dataset, the first gallery diplayed in this page : https://www.year-round-the-world.com/images-et-videos
The gallery display is ok, but when you enlarge one picture, you cannot navigate anymore to the previous or the next directly, you have to come back to the main view of the gallery and select another picture.
No problem with gallery not connected to dataset (on the same page, the galleries below)
to be more precise : it used to work perfectly, and i didn’t change anything except continue to feed the dataset with one row per day. the problem appears maybe 3 or 4 days ago.
Yes, connection with dataset is ok…and proven by the fact that the gallery displays good.
The problem is on enlargment of a picture : you cannot navigate from one pic to the next or previous directly.
I have this exact same issue, since some days on my website as well. I’ve mailed Wix support but yet to hear back any solution.
There’s also an issue with expand mode closing to dynamic page’s title instead of original URL of an album, which has been around since few months and not fixed yet.
We’ve managed to recreate the issue and currently working on a fix.
I’ll make sure to post here in this thread as soon as we have an update.
Please make sure to follow.
Thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
Any update on this? The gallery is still not functional and I’m now considering updating the site with non-pro gallery for a time being. Eventually I feel I should explore the option to build my own custom gallery because Pro Gallery expand mode is causing more problems than solutions (photo navigation, browser URL navigation bug).
Guys, seriously… it’s now 2 months since you acknowledged the issue and said you are working on fix. But there’s been no update on it and expand mode still remains broken for dataset driven galleries.
After getting no update from Wix (last I asked was in March), I ultimately ended up creating my own popup viewer and dynamically populating the gallery to use it. I tried checking Pro Gallery with Dataset again today, after 5 and half month since my last question, and Expand Mode (or even the new “open in fullscreen” option) doesn’t work for navigating the images.
This is extremely disappointing and I might really need to reconsider continuing with Wix as my renewal date is coming closer. I am not even asking for new feature to be added to fit my needs, but at least get the feature you have working properly?
Wow… over an year since Wix acknowledged the issue, said they are working on fix and nothing to show for it.
I retested Pro Gallery last night again with dataset fed media gallery and the navigation issue is still not fixed. Not only that, but the navigation URL bug also seems to persist even now. This is some horrible way to manage the product guys if you can’t fix the issues for so long.
The link in the original forum users post is navigating perfectly fine when you view a picture in the expanded pop up view. Therefore, this old post from Jan 2019 is being closed.