Database error

I am working on a site with member login/singup function. I use the code from wix tutorial. It was working but immediately not insert imput data (email, password) to the collection anymore at signup. In sandbox mode I see a new record but without any data. The message about new member registration is arrive and in live database I see the record but that’s all, e.g. after a new signup I can not log in.

It seems like sandbox and live database lost connection.

For testing I made a new site with the same function and on this site I can not do the first step of sign up window. I get a ‘server error, Try again later’ message.

Collections permissions (Anyone, Site member, Site author, Site author).
Dataset mode read&write.
Fields connected to dataset.

I do not know what’s happened, a few days before everything was okey.

Anyone can help?


For synching sandbox and live data please refer to

For troubleshooting the error you are experiencing on the new site. I’ll need some more infroamtion
could you please share your site and describe what is not working exactly


Thank you Adi,

My exact problem is with Sandbox, until then when I sign up and go a page when new member can add more info (eg name) the connected input field show email and password collected from signup screen. now it is not working.

There you can try it (sign up and then check dynamic page with empty email and password field).
After new signup you can not login after a logout. Code not find data anymore.

Thanks if you check it and give some feedback!


Sandbox is used for preview and testing purposes
Do you have the same problem on your published site?
I don’t understand exactly the problem you are experiencing

Here we are with printscreens:

1, Sign up ( >>> Sign Up / LogIn button)
e.g. with password ‘test’

2, Add more data to the member account (Name, category) under MyAccount menu and same time modify email (to and password (to ‘testnew’) as well.

3, After Dave button I sync databases and check input data

4, Everything seems okey, I see the members modified email and password.
5, Let’s login with this modified data:

Not working, I can still only login with original data however in database I see the modified inputs.

Other problem is when I delete a record (member) from live database and try to login I can still login!!??
It seems my database remember all records I ever create. After delete it still available??
