I have been developping a site for the last 3 weeks and everything was going fine.
I was almost to the point of upgrading my site to Premium but suddently I lost access to my database collection.
I use the Login process described by Code Queen but suddently after connecting with an userid (email) I received an error 404 on the console.log that says the email id doesn’t match with the one in my database collection but it does.
Tried to reset permissions to anyone but it didn’t help. Also tried to restaure a previous copy of my site with no luck which make me think that the problem is with the db since it doesn’t get restaure with the Restauring process.
Everything was working fine last night.
Can someone help me finding the cause of this issue?
My site is :
Pierre Lacasse
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it looks like a lot of people are experiencing this issue. All the datasets on my live site stopped working this morning. I would just wait for wix to resolve the issue.
Thank you Matt.
Does it happen often?
Can you let me know when your site will be back operational?
this is the first time in my 1 years using wix that anything like this has happened. I recommend just checking the forum to see if there are any updates. most of the top posts right now are about this.
my database is now working fine.
Thanks to all
Pierre Lacasse
Pierre, I have the same issue: I lost my Sandbox Databases. My Live site is working fine. After a while the Sandboxes reappeared, but I’m affraid that it could happen again.
I also have some code issues and data collection issues, something is for sure going on
What can we do? Somebody of WIX could explain what is going on?