Databases stability today

Hi Wix code ninjas,

Some of you have experiences some unstable databases today for ~2 hours.

I want to start by saying that we are truly sorry for the inconvenience.
Your data is alive and fine, we just had some servers partying too hard :wink:

Anyway, the issue was resolved a few hours ago and all of the servers are behaving again :slight_smile:

I also want to thank anyone who let us know, this really helps us detect and contain things quickly.

And lastly,
Thanks for your understanding.

Have a great weekend :slight_smile:



Thank you Liran : )

thanx i thought i did something wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

I noticed! Nothing from wixData was working.
But now wixWindow is not working, please check it out @liran-kurtz-wix

Hi Liran

I have a following problem with the database for few days

seems to me nobody can help