I’m having a problem where my date pickers are appearing in an error state on initial page load when they are connected to a dataset, when my understanding is they should appear in their regular state until their validity is checked on dataset save. To make matters weirder, I tried to fix it by using the .resetValidityIndication() method in onReady, but it had no effect, even though it does work when called from a button click.
You can see that the connected date picker is shown in an error state while the unconnected date picker is not. Both are set to required, so the underlying validity is false for both. All permissions on the dataset are set to “anyone”.
It is a bug on our end, required fields may sometime load red, you can workaround this issue and set a load date to the date picker in the settings.
Good to know the cause, thanks Or. Is it on a list to fix at some point? I’d rather not set a default date due to user experience reasons, so maybe I’ll wait it out for a while if so. Thanks again.
I understand you’re saying to set to Read and Write as a work around, but for security reasons, can you please have it fixed for Write-only too please? I am still having this problem.