Design settings menu is broken for menu items

I’m trying to update the text colour for my menu inside my header. If I go to the right design menu after clicking on the menu, and select “Menu items” all of the menu options are overlapping. If I change the selection to “Current page” instead of “regular” I can set the colour, but its not clickable for “Regular”- see pic. I’ve tried publishing and refreshing and nothing seems to fix this, anyone have this happen?

Wix Studio Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
Just want to set the text colour of my navigation menu

What have you already tried:
Haven’t been able to find a reference of anyone else having similar problem

Additional information:
I can’t figure out how to contact any support from Wix directly, so hopefully someone has a suggestion

report as a bug. I just checked and have the same issue.

May have something to do with the new menu that they are working on.

I’ve tested in Firefox and it seems to work there, but not in Chrome which is my default. Will report as bug, but that’s an easy workaround for anyone stuck.

Its all fixed on my end after reporting. On all browsers