Drop down not working properly in published site


I have a problem with my site that it is all good in preview but not working on published version. The drop down menu and the sorting are not there. I set the permission to read-only and also synchronized the sandbox and live data.

Thanks for help!

Please post the URL of your site. Only authorized Wix personnel can get access to your site in the editor.

Hi Yisreal,

I fixed that problem but now after filtering using drop down, the results became less. In the download page, after filtering using “pick a driving behavior group”, the result of two does not add up the total. This is my URL, https://buaawjy.wixsite.com/trafficnet2

@buaa_wjy I did some searches and filtering but I’m not sure what results you want. What isn’t working for you? What happens, and what do you want?