Editor X interactions bug? #bugreport

So I’m experiencing what I believe is a bug with interactions because it happens on multiple sites.

When I try to do “export functions” like “show/hide” etc. on click everything works perfectly except for whatever container I have a hover interaction applied to.

It reappears then disappears all glitchy like after the onclick event.

See this example when you click the slide-out on the right: https://newdaycreativeagency.editorx.io/sazdanoff

It’s not just this site either. It happens on any site this is done on.

Just double checking if others are experiencing this.

And also hope the editor x team is aware of it and can fix this bug.

#reportbug #bug #bugreport editorx #animation #hoverinteractions

Hi @corey !

Thank you for raising this issue with us.

I’ve created support ticket (#193328286) and forwarded your case to QA/developers for further investigation.

You will be updated by email as soon as we have feedback.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!


Here’s a few more examples:

The slide out menu on the right has the same problem with hover interaction on button containers:

The “find a Hub” container button has a hover interaction on it and it appears then disappears at beginning (It’s supposed to just fade in):


Thank you for these examples.

Forwarding them now to QA and developers.

Have a good day!


Sorry to pester you…but any word on this? I have like 5 sites using similar functionality. And plan on using it on more. In the meantime, I’ve even taken off the hover interaction on some of the sites…but the glitch is still occurring even without the hover interaction.

I really don’t want to launch clients sites with this glitch occurring.