Editor X Pro Gallery - Can't Add Videos

Anyone experiencing this? We cannot add videos to any Pro Gallery on any Editor X site. We’ve tried existing galleries and adding new galleries on several sites.

When we press the Add Video button nothing happens. This includes selecting the Media area where we’ve already uploaded videos and using the Youtube and Vimeo dialog box. Nothing works.

The Editor X team is out until after the first of the year.

Anyone else experiencing this behavior?


We are currently experiencing issue with Pro galleries in Editor X.

You can open support ticket https://support.wix.com/en/article/editor-x-contacting-customer-care-for-support so we can document your case.

Also, you can delete affected Pro Gallery and add a new one. It should work

Thanks Maksym! We have opened a priority ticket. We also tried deleting and adding a new pro gallery as well as creating new galleries on different pages and different sites. We’ve also tried different browsers and Macs. In addition, we tried on other existing Pro Galleries on different sites. In all these cases we experienced the same behavior. Nothing happens when you click to add. This was working fine prior to last week.

There appears to be something wrong with our account or with the ProGalleries across the board. We are waiting to hear back from support.

Thanks again!

Thank you support team for fixing this issue. It began working properly yesterday! We appreciate the extra time over the holidays. Happy New Year!

It is great to hear that it is back to work.

Happy New Year!

@maksymz Thanks!