Elements moving in the editor?? Anyone experiencing Ghosts in the machine?

Has anyone noticed their elements moving inside repeater containers within wix editor?

I’m experiencing a strange issue where a vector icon in a repeaters container is moving and another repeater container that has a boxContainer inside also moving, sometimes with no input at all;

They all move to the same direction relative to top left of the R-container despite being in different repeaters. The only similarity is both repeaters have icons inside the repeated containers.

IF I select the element that has moved and try to coax it back into place using the arrow keys, it disobeys me and continues to travel south-east from it’s intended position. However, Strangely the UP arrow kicks it right a pixel and skips the southward portion of the jump…

Most of the time though these elements are moving by themselves as if startled by me position items on the rest of the page. Even just entering Preview Mode and returning to Edit will make them jump a few pixels.

I’ve attached a screeny of the results and added a couple of red lines to show the distance they travelled. Last time they went much further down inside the container.
(The circle check mark, lower example, should be in the middle of the container)

I would recommend contacting Wix Customer Care , as they will be better able to assist you with this issue.

I am having the same issue. Did you find a resolution?