Embed Wix Form in another website

Can I embed a Wix Form on another website? Can’t find embed code.

Wix Editor.

What are you trying to achieve:
I’ve created an “email sign up” form for our organization and I would like to embed it into another (external to Wix) website. I don’t see a way to get embed code.

What have you already tried:
We can link to it, but we would like to embed the form.

Hello. Here is all information about embedding your Wix Site elsewhere. Exporting or Embedding Your Wix Site Elsewhere | Help Center | Wix.com

but no, forms is not intended to be used in this way. There is perhaps a solution using Wix headless to make the connection more seamless to the UI of your external site About Wix Headless

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Wix does provide the ability to embed forms on external websites.

Some more information that may be useful - there is the option to create an embed code via a standalone form. Check this out and see if you can modify your site to use forms in this way Wix Forms: Adding and Setting Up a Standalone Form | Help Center | Wix.com

Once you do this you can use the url of the standalone form (as opposed to a url with the whole page and form) in your iFrame and code the rest as you would like

This is not possible. Wix apps and widgets are meant only for Wix sites.

Wix Headless is not the solution for this either. Wix. Headless is meant for you to build out the form on your “external website “ and then code it so it connects to your existing Wix site via the APIs that Wix headless has.

(When we requested this functionality this is exactly what we did NOT expect. We expected to be able to build on the Wix and embed somewhere else, just as you are trying to do now.And we would have paid lots of money for the convenience.)

This is why the majority of my clients use external 3rd party Form apps so that they can embed anywhere on the internet for better ROI. They like to embed in blog posts, external forums, other people’s websites, etc. Maximize visibility with the least amount of work. Very efficient and effective.

Here is a popular one: Signup Forms | Brevo

Mailer-Lite is another one, where i currently write an API for. :grinning:

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