Enhancing website loading speed

Hey There…!

I just tested the speed of my WiX website and found out that my website loads in 10.2 seconds and it takes 1.72 seconds to load the first byte.

How do I optimize the website loading time…?
My expectations: 5 secs
Will writing my own code on the website increase the loading time & by how much…?

Here is my website: sagardevachar.wixsite.com/bimba
Here is where I tested my website: gtmetrix.com & webpagetest.org

Thanks in Advance…!

Goto page settings on home page or page that needs speed, select Advanced and enable cache. Your page should load within a second if cached.

I got confused… Can you please include a Screenshot on how to do it…?

I did not find that.

@vortex-club Neither did I…!

@sagar-dev-achar It is being beta deployed world wide and it might not be visible for all users in all regions today but it will be soon enough. Look at my post in the forum posted today.