So I have been trying for almost 2 weeks to find a way to speed up pages that have code. I was able to speed the page loading time by making sure my images were optimized for faster load times. I have gotten the load time down to 10 seconds from the previous 14 seconds. I need help getting this time down further in order for my users to have a good experience. I know some people have lots of code and their pages run fine, I would like to know how they do this.
(The only time it loads fast is if it is on a super fast computer other than that it takes around 10 seconds)
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I’m sorry to tell you this, but I believe that 10 seconds is the maximum you will get. I’ve done several tests and I never get below 10 seconds on standard devices. Even with blank pages. This is terrible for me too, I hope we find a solution soon.
Thanks AV but I have already read that article and that was how I was mainly able to get down to 10 seconds. I would need something that is not in any of the wix support articles since I have already looked through all of the ones dealing with loading issues.
The truth is that I think there is a general WIX problem, Google also gives a low rating to the speed of WIX sites.
This is the main disadvantage of WIX. disappointing. regrettable.
I try to deal with this disadvantage in all kinds of ways.
For example, uploads the site immediately, and the data I import it in a later function only after the page is displayed for example in this function, only here I import the data.
export function page1_viewportEnter(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
I think the secret to speed is to employ the surfer, for example, while uploading to upload some picture of the standby axis, and so “on mobile add the function that WIX should say with the logo while loading a site and so on”
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