Expandable category page

Hi guys,
Please see the attached images.
Basically, I’d like to display all item categories in a collapsed limited mode, and expand each of them, on click.
The problem is that the number and categories is dynamic as well as the number of items in each category, so I need a repeater inside a repeater (repeater of items inside a repeater of categories), and Wix doesn’t support it.
Any idea how can I do in order to make it work? Any workaround?


#repeaterInRepeater #repeater #categoryPage

Still not allowed I see, if they could allow us that and fix any potential loading problems that came with it!

You could always try doing arrays in a table inside a repeater, although with your data being dynamic makes it a bit of an issue for you.

Might not be any good for you, however have a read of this previous post.

Thank you.
Tables are very limited.
So I’ll have to wait for Wix Team to implement this feature. :frowning:

I suspect it would be technically possible with one repeater if every cell is made up of a title, two items and a shrink/expand link which are all shown/hidden and relabelled as required. For example, clicking an expand link would then hide the clicked link, and the next cell would be expanded or inserted with its title hidden.

Whether the UX would be too janky or this is something you can stomach coding is another question.

I don’t think I got it.
What I need here is a repeater of categories (of unknown number) that each item of it contains a repeater of products. I don;t see how it can be solved (and this is not a new question, it’s been asked many times before).