Export Function Not Working for Button onClick event (see screenshots)

Hello. I have inserted two export functions on my site and it is working properly for button3, but it is not working on button4. Am I missing something? Please help.


Good afternoon Traci,
Please use this as a reference: https://www.wix.com/code/home/forum/community-discussion/urgent-multiple-buttons-one-function-possible I believe it will answer your question thoroughly.

This is not what I am trying to do. Each button has a different function.

@traci36889 Traci, since the code looks fine, I was wondering if you clicked the the little “+” button next to the onClick event of the property sheet for button4. In effect, that registers that export function name as the onClick event for that button. Copying and pasting the button3_click code and renaming it “button4_click” would be one reason button4 wouldn’t do anything when clicked.

@tony-brunsman YES! I copy and pasted which is why it wasn’t working. I did what you said and its working now! THANK YOU!