For years other members have asked for this and still no update. We NEED coupons for our pricing plans and new online programs app.
As a website designer and techie, it’s important for me to create sales funnels. most sales funnels have landing pages with special offers and incentives. For instance, if I want to run a special 30% off on my membership, I can’t, I have to create a whole new plan, then hide it when my sale it’s over (this sucks for ever green sales funnels).
the same issue applies to online programs! I can’t offer a discount for a course I have to reduce the price then make sure I go back and change it
Also we need the ability to offer ”upsells or bump up offers in the checkout page” ! see sites like samcart and thrive cart for examples.
i live Wix and I wanna. Make sure my site and business is optimized to the fullest with the platform and I wanna train other on how to optimize theirs as well, So please launch these ASAP!
I pinged the Wix Product Expert for this. 
But see that’s the thing this isn’t about Products, products can coupons, it’s online programs and pricing plans that needs discounts
Gonna check with the team and see if this is on the agenda. If not I will make sure they see the request. 
Update: I checked with the team. This is INDEED planned. I can’t give you an estimate, but do know that it is in the pipeline. =)
Thanks @brett , I’m also looking forward to having coupons for Pricing Plans.
Curious about @karimawilliams second question about upsells or bump up offers in the checkout page. Is this something planned or being worked on?
It seems they have an app of some sort now but it’s not flushed out to my liking so hopefully they have something better
@karimawilliams - Yes, I checked out the app " AppSell " and if that’s also the one you noticed, I agree.
It sends a person through the entire checkout experience again, and if it’s a lower rate, the customer has to remember to copy and paste a coupon code to get the discount. Unfortunately, using a 3rd party store platform, or Velo, or just making a specific product just for bump offers is the current workaround.
You can use coupons now - assume you have realised this - but wondering, where does WIX report online programme sales?
It’s really annoying that it pulls free calendar bookings through as an Order into the sales report, but not online programmes, which is the bulk of revenue?
I see you’ve already opened a new topic to ask this question - Reports on Online Program Sales?
Going to close this one to make it easier for everyone to find answers