Form/Database issues

So, I am having issues with the submit button not submitting info to the database. Literally, nothing happens. It’s connected to the database, I have the database on live. What else might I have missed. Thank you all in advance for your help.


Does it work in Preview mode? What is supposed to happen, and what is actually happening?

Can you please share the site URL, specific page, and any other information that can shed light on this issue?


It did work in preview mode, that is why I am so very confused. So, the client is supposed to be able to fill out the form and then submit. It’s an intake form. They can fill it out, but it does nothing when you hit the submit button. The site is Thank you so much for your response.

The URL points to a “parked” domain name - not a Wix site. I’m gonna sound stupid, but what’s a parked domain?

Not sure I used the proper term. Someone purchased the domain and “parked” it. That is, they just set it up hoping to sell it.

On what page does the problem occur?

On the intake form. It’s a subheader from book online. So how would I unpark it? Make it better. That would most likely be me. I do everything and know crap, but I’m really trying to learn and figure it all out

It looks like the database collection has the wrong permission setting.

You have it set to “Private data” and it should be set to “Form Submission”.

I looked at the intake form, but as I mentioned in my previous post, it seems to be a collection permissions issue.

ok, I’m looking for where to change it now. Thank you so much. You have been the absolute most helpful with this. I’m still trying to figure out 1 more thing, but that’s regular site feature and square issue.

AAAAh. It works now!! Thank you so much!

Yay! Glad I could help.