I have built a simple form to take inputs from clients. I have published it and tried to test it online.
It works in preview mode inside wix, but does not seem to work on wider internet. Website is still in free wix mode. Could this be something that only works in premium ?.
Any advise will be helpful
ps. I intend to do go premium after testing the full functionality of the website, which is meant to go live shortly.
This usually occurs when the collection permissions are not set properly.
presently set for anyone to write to database at present
Another thing to remember is that from you live site the information that is submitted will show up in your live database collection and not in the sandbox collection. Have you checked the live collection?
Live Database collection seems empty… (Checked with the Dashboard / wix databases)
Also, submit button on the page is meant to redirect to a thank you page. It Just stays there doing nothing. I have tested in different browsers, same result.
The irony is that these submit button does redirect in preview mode inside wix, though nothing seems recorded in database
I tried to submit, and according to the error in the browser console, the collection does not have write permissions.
Can you check again? After you set the correct write permissions, don’t forget to publish the site for it to take effect.
Permissions are properly set to write only…still not working or communicating with database.
In preview mode, it progresses to Thank you page, but does not store anything in database. This is happening for both forms on the site.
Also I don’t seem to have certain developer features e.g. site structure sidebar, no option to delete database etc, even though i have received an email confirming my acceptance for wix code beta, after applying to join. How do i get wix to recognize my login as an approved wix code beta user?
Need help with these wix issues as its taking so much time to do simple things…
and yes… developer tools are turned on
Hi, I just checked your site and the permissions for the collection set to read only:
You can read more about collection permissions here:
There is currently no option to delete a collection, so it’s not just you 
Regarding the side bar, was it always missing, or was it available at some point?
sidebar has never been available. I have tried to follow the examples from wix to find it but i don’t have it, except i am missing something !
Thanks for your efforts so far Tomer.
From the wix help pages i am being directed to update collections permissions settings through the site structure sidebar which i do not seem to have access to.
I only seem to be able to edit the dataset settings, and i had done this previously by setting the Mode to “write only” for the Clients_Contact dataset.
Problem solved…
the side bar came on after i turned on and off the developer tools a couple of times, loged off completely and logged on again…
I will try the above changes and report back thanks. Getting there