Gallery Pages instead of 'load more' [SOLVED]

Hi folks, i have a simple request. I have a grid pro gallery connected to a database with 36 images and was wondering if its possible to divide the gallery into 3 pages of 12 images with numbered page links at the bottom? (i.e page 1, 2 & 3).

I have a search input bar and a ‘sort by’ dropdown menu that is connected to this gallery also so if i could allow these to still work on all images in the gallery that would be ideal.

There is a ‘load more’ option in gallery settings but this only loads a single section of the gallery or the rest of the images rather than this i’d like the bottom page numbers to link to the next 12 images in the database.

I’m using Wix Editor.

- ok I discovered what i am after is a ‘pagination’ bar…found it in the interactive section and connected it to my dataset…works perfectly-


Can you show some code or an example of what you are trying to accomplish?

Hello. You can create the layout you want with the slider gallery option from the gallery layout settings. However, there will not be a link that allows you to access the pages directly. You can view the gallery in twelve steps by scrolling three images each.
Good luck!

This is an example of what i’m looking to do. I don’t have any experience in coding so i’m not sure what the code would look like to modify the gallery to do this.