I used grid product gallery for this case. I would like to display my property listings in pages rather than “load more” as this can make my visitor scroll on for ages to view all the listings i have. How can i change the load more button to pages?
Also i’m actually using grid product gallery method to display my listings because of the filter feature. I don’t need the ecommerce tools which means i don’t need my website to act as an online store, I just need my listings to be seen. So can i upgrade to the unlimited plan rather than the ecommerce plan? because the unlimited plan doesnt have the online store feature so i’m not sure if i can since i’ve used grid product gallery from “my store”
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Here is how you can customize the “Load More” Button.
Thanks but that’s not what I mean. I want my listings to be displayed in pages, like page 1,2,3 and so on =)
This would require you to create your own load more button and repeaters that are connected to a dataset that is filtered.
Page 1 will have a repeater with items 1-10 and a load more button that takes to page 2 that has a repeater of 11-20 items and so on.
You will have to use filtering on the datasets to get the number of items and from which item to start.
Some useful links to start with:
Filtering Dataset, - how to filter dataset
Linking button - linking to other pages
.getItems() //getting specific range of items
@mqumseya will try that. thank you!!!