Gradient backgrounds are a standard feature that designers use everyday but missing in Editor X. Currently users have to create an image of a gradient and use that, taking precious design time, load time and site space.
Please update the design tab in the inspector panel with a gradient option to allow containers, buttons, sections, and pages to utilise gradients. It can be a checkmark in “Fill Color & Opacity”. When selected, Background becomes background 1, and background 2 appears below, with option to add other background. Change Gradient Angle option would be a plus. Thank you for reading.
This along with some other features are REALLY needed in editor x. Gradients are pretty standard for any design software…these needs to be implemented ASAP.
Editor X has a lot of potential but it needs to catch up with it’s competitors fast. One in particular keeps wooing me.
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By the way, you can already set a gradient page background like this:
Dashboard > Settings > custom element an add a code snippet for gradient background.
I’ve done it and it worked perfectly.