Hey there!.
i run a flower shop site on wix.
most pepole that buy flower send them as a gift.the check out process dosen’t adress them that way.
i wounder if there is any way to change it.
for example having “reciving date option” or" greeting Card" could really be great.
so if some one has a clue how can i add something i will be glad to know how.
You can create custom checkout using the wix -stores and wix-pay API.
You can simply add the date picker to the product page or any other input elements to collect the needed data.
See examples here and here .
See an example here collecting different information about the product before checkout. Delivery date can be a part of the collected information.
Hi @aleksf ,
I have a similar situation where I’m designing a site for a long-term rental company (yes, I’ve looked at Wix Hotels or Bookings, but that app won’t work with their business model.). I’ve been reading the examples you shared and am following along on how to execute this custom payment, but I have two questions:
In these examples, the user selects the “Buy Now” button which calls the various payment functions as explained. This results in a payment window opening prompting the user for payment information. Can this payment window be modified/customized in both style and/or custom fields? I’m needing to collect things like dates of stay. Is there any way to not have it be a pop-up/lightbox and actually a full page?
Guessing your answer will be no I can’t customize the payment window , this page is untouchable. Am I correct in assuming, I should collect the custom data points (e.g., dates of stay) I’m needing on the page with the button and enforce the user filling that out before calling the payment functions?
Assuming the above is simple
How can I associate all the data together post-payment?
I was envisioning a database where I would store successfully booked rentals including:
Are the items collected as part of the payment window (Customer Name, Address, Phone) accessible for me to capture and store in a table? If not, am I forced to collect them separately (we will not be using a members area/plan feature, every customer will be a “guest”). Note, I’m not trying to capture the payment details (card numbers), but the customer details.
In the end, I’m trying to achieve:
Collecting all necessary data (customer details, and custom data points) in a single engagement vs multi-steps/pages and preventing duplicate entry by the user (e.g., entering their name, address, phone, etc. twice)
Having a single repository reflecting all my successful bookings/transactions with all necessary data (I can’t have my client trying to piece together 3 databases/collections to figure out the details of the transaction).
I really appreciate your help. Can’t wait to hear back!
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