
It would be great to configure the header, first of all with the functionalities of the former editor and additional with effects like height of the header, size changes of images (logo), other font sizes, distances, colors,… in combination with a scroll mechanism - e.g. when scrolling down, the header is changed to another style.

Best regards,


Hi @joergkammerhofer ,

I’m Galiet from the Editor X Product Team.

Thank you for your feedback.

Great news! We are working on adding header effects to Editor X. Stay tuned for updates.

Please feel free to reach out again if you have any more feedback for us.

Editor X Team

Also for headers the fixed position so that when you scroll a page the header stays where it is. The old editor can do it but not Editor x :frowning:

Hi @gardensinglassuk

We released Sticky position for elements nad sections on Editor X. It will allow you you set the header to be sticky at a certain point.

We plan to release the “Fixed” position very soon.

You should find the “Sticky Position” in the inspector of the Masters.

Is it currently possible to have switch points for the header, so that the header changes when scrolling - in the old editor this was possible to do with 3 strips and a bit of code, one strip being the switch point.