Hello everyone, I recently have redone my website and after testing it with the google page speed test I noticed that an image gets downloaded that doesnt exist on the website anymore. It is not hidden, not overlapped by something else nor is it cached.
This is the image in question: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/nsplsh_6e545a4f494c565a754f67~mv2_d_5179_3727_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_640,h_1026,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/nsplsh_6e545a4f494c565a754f67~mv2_d_5179_3727_s_4_2.webp
And this is the website: https://genesisfullnutrition.com
I also can not find the image in the media files in the wix dashboard.
Has anyone an idea how to get rid of the image?
Have you deleted it from the media manager and from the media manager trash?
yes the image is deleted from the media manager and media manager trash but I think it wasnt there in the first place. I used the wix unsplash tool to insert the image from the unsplash database.
@gefullnut so probably Wix support is the best address for such an issue.
@jonatandor35 whats the fastest way to contact them? Going through their “support” I just end up in a jungle of FAQ that do not solve my question