Help Me Understand What's Happening Please

Thank you for stopping by and seeking to provide insight in this issue.

I currently have a non-respsonsive container that over extends when scaling in Wix Studio.
I have tried finding the source of the problem by comparing it to the other containers yet I cannot find a single difference.

Here are the relevant details:

  • All containers are the same 90% height and 100% width.
  • They are centred aligned.
  • Each column in the section is equal at 20%.
  • Scale Properties is on for each of the container.
  • Docking, Margins, Padding is identical.
  • Images within the containers are stretched.
  • It’s occurring on different column across different sections.

Please refer to screenshot.
Thank you for your time and help!

Hi Emanuele,

Have you set the Max Height and Max Width for each of them? If not, consider doing that.

If the issue still persists, try docking the image to the top and left with 0 px margin, and set the Overflow Content to Hide.

Thank you Pratham!
I will try this out today!


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Thank you @Pratham :partying_face:

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