Help to create custom registration form for new members - serval attempts without success


I been trying to set this custom registration page up for serval days now without any success… I’m going some what insane over it!

I read and tried to follow this article: Velo Tutorial: Creating a Custom Registration Form with Code | Help Center |

So I in the code have connected every element ID to every value I want.
I have also created “custom fields” for every specific element.

The thing is that you can’t press submit and become a member and nothing happens when I try to click “submit” (the orange button )…
No new member is added in my Overview Contact list.

I have also try connect it to a database, and It has worked, but the information only collects in the database and that is not the primary goal. I want the page to become a “become a member” form, and that’s the problem.

Maybe I’m way off at this point but I’m just really I need of some help here…

(The page is in Swedish but hopefully that’s not a big problem?)

Just follow this thread to register members

Thanks so much, I will read and try this! :slight_smile:

Value does not exist on that element without knowing what element you are using i would guess it is text so try change .value to .text for that one

@mikemoynihan99 Ok, yeah sorry. I realized that and so now I think I’m on way to solve this (hopefully)! Thanks again, mate

@alexfors Hi, how did you solve this problem eventually? I am facing a similar issue now. Would you mind share your solution? Here is my post:

Thanks in advance.

Hello, Same page here. Trying to create a custom field, however know nothing about code. Is there anyone that could help me with this?

@wvanhoepen Try to follow this:

These steps are straightforward. It didn’t work for me but the idea is still considerable.

@shadowofnoone18 I tried to work it out, but am already stuck with putting it all together. I’m reading the guide, looks simple enough to follow, however, I am still stuck. Do you have any suggestions?

@wvanhoepen Try this video, it came across to my search. And I think this guy explained well for the coding part. Create A Custom Member Profile Registration Page - Custom Client Registration - Wix Code Tutorial - YouTube

But in my case, I am facing the issue (by following official guide or this video) I mentioned here:

Thanks! The video is very helpful. I followed it, and as far as the coding goes, the system works perfectly. When I format additional details into the mix, it stops the form from working. Does anyone know how I can just add a couple more text fields to fill in?