Hi, Please i need help regarding preloader and loading problem,

The thing i have added a preloader in settings but once my website is loaded the problem starts then,
Going From home page to products page the website freezes until the page loads, how do i create a loading screen or preloader for this process.
basically i want a system so that when (products) button is clicked on the home page until it opens, that loading time should be in a loading screen of my gif.

Please help.

Please observe the community guidelines and refrain from multiple posts on the same topic or question.

There are many threads in this forum discussing this topic. Just do a search.

I understand but i cant find answer to my specific problem i am not a master coder like you, i use wix because it offer drag and drag editor for website building,

It would be very helpful if you can link the solution for this problem or give me the dev code.

To learn about programming with Corvid, read the following articles that will help you start working with Corvid:

thank you, but you were not helpful

We are unable to provide full code solutions. Wix provides many resources to help users learn how to get the most out of Corvid. We encourage users to take advantage of these resources which include video tutorials, full app examples (which can be loaded into the user’s editor), API documentation, and a wealth of articles describing a wide range of topics - from beginner to advance.

Doing a search of the forum will result in a number of threads on your question.

You may want to check out the Wix Marketplace - it’s a hub where you can look for Corvid (and other) experts for hire.