How can I show my entire site, including the pro galleries, to a group of people for feedback before publishing it, considering that they can't be viewed in test mode, which makes up about 50% of my site?

How can I show my entire site, including the pro galleries, to a group of people for feedback before publishing it, considering that they can’t be viewed in test mode, which makes up about 50% of my site?

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
I’d like to show others & get feedback on my WHOLE site, including the galleries without having to publish it first.

What have you already tried:
[Share resources, forum topics, articles, or tutorials you’ve already used to try and answer your question.]

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]

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Hey there!

Wix has a feature called Get client feedback that lets you share your entire site with others and allows them to leave feedback which you can later see right inside the editor itself.

Simply click on the three dots in your site’s dashboard and you should see the option!

I do that but because my site isn’t published, it doesn’t show the pro galleries on my site, which is the majority of the site.

Hello @WiNN316 :wave:

Could You provide a link ( could be test one, get feedback ) and I will try to help :slight_smile:

Have You tried to click - view live site - or click publish it ?


Here is a feedback link , I don’t want to publish my site yet because it’s not all the way done.

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Not sure if this feature still exists, but you can try this:


hello again :slight_smile:

  • You can publish it for some time like now to help You and then unpublish ( same button )

  • Here You have full page screen of Your website and videos in 2 main formats to make You easier

  • Highlight for me please which galleries You are having issues ?

  • Is it hero - main secion gallery ?

( those which are connected by api with facebook will always need some time to show up and I would choose other option for content )

@WiNN316 :wave:

Don’t be afraid to show websites with mistakes/errors on early stage -

I do it - everyone does it -

Design it is a process and it is good to ask for help or feedback :slight_smile:

I also ask :slight_smile:

→ look at mine new project of course it is beginning- mvp - it is full of things I will have to change, redesign


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How to unpublish Your site :

I actually haven’t used any galleries on my home page, but if you click on “a tragic night at City Nightz” or the picture, it’ll take you to another page that is supposed to look like this

& that’s just one example.
If you click the menu on the top of that same page, it’s supposed to look like this

I would totally do that & wouldn’t mind doing that IF this site wasn’t containing information/news that’s going to be big for & ruffle some feathers here locally in my town, & the fact that I have quite a large following, I just don’t want to chance anything getting out until I’m ready for it to get out😅

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Hey neighbor…

The Getfeedback feature is flawed because it will not always show the site exactly as it should load. I never use it because it doesn’t display coded functionality correctly either. Lots of small glitches here and there that could potentially lead to inaccurate feedback.

So don’t worry about that.

I did send you a DM on messenger. I will be in town in Wichita tomorrow. :wink: