Sharing your website


I am almost done with a website and I want to send it to someone to review it. When I click on preview everything is fine. The problem is when I use the link under site–>get feedback, nothing I did with Wix code appears there. The tables still shows the default information. Is it normal? what is the best way to share the website? Because I need their approval before it goes live.



There is a data collection in Preview mode and another one in Published mode. You must publish the site and you need to click Sync and Sync all items to Live to make data available in published sites.

Hi Barry,
Do you want to share the site so that your clients can view the code ? or the editor itself ?
Moreover, as Andreas mentioned, you should remember to sync your sandbox DB collection to the live site.



Thanks all for your help.

They just need to see what will appear on the website as it is for compliance purposes. So no need to see the code or the editor just the text.

I have sync and clicked published, but it is not working. Even the hoover effects I have added are not working on that link. so I guess the issue is somewhere else.